Research focus and experience
Recent: Studies on the implementation of e-mental health. Studies on the possibilities of ecological momentary assessment in research and clinical practice.
Past: Studies on the nature and treatment of anxiety disorders in late-life. Epidemiology of OCD (NOCDA).
Special skills: Designing and coordinating large multi-center trials on implementation, e-mental health (ImpleMentAll), anxiety (NOCDA) and depression.
Fur a fully updated list of publications please check my ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4029-1810
List of publications
International peer-reviewed
Vis C., Schuurmans J., ......... Smit J.H. & Riper H. (2023).
Effectiveness of Self-guided Tailored Implementation Strategies in Integrating and Embedding Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Routine Mental Health Care: Results of a Multicenter Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial.
J Med Internet Res;25:e41532. doi: 10.2196/41532. -
van Genugten C.R., Schuurmans J., Hoogendoorn AW, et al. (2022). A Data-Driven Clustering Method for Discovering Profiles in the Dynamics of Major Depressive Disorder Using a Smartphone-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment of Mood. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022 ;13:755809. DOI: 10.3389.
Batterham P.J., Gulliver A, Kurz E, et al. (2022). The Effect of Dissemination Pathways on Uptake and Relative Costs for a Transdiagnostic, Self-guided Internet Intervention for Reducing Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Ideation: Comparative Implementation Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022 May;24(5):e34769. DOI: 10.2196/34769
van Genugten, C. R., Schuurmans, J, Hoogendoorn, A. W., Araya, R., Andersson, G., Baños, R., ... & Riper, H. (2021). Examining the Theoretical Framework of Behavioral Activation for Major Depressive Disorder: Smartphone-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. JMIR mental health, 8(12), e32007.
van Genugten, C. R., Schuurmans, J, van Ballegooijen, W., Hoogendoorn, A. W., Smit, J. H., & Riper, H. (2021). Discovering different profiles in the dynamics of depression based on real–time monitoring of mood: a first exploration. Internet interventions, 26, 100437.
Bührmann, L., Schuurmans, J, Ruwaard, J, Fleuren, M, Etzelmüller, A., Piera-Jiménez, J, ... & Vis, C (2020). Tailored implementation of internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy in the multinational context of the ImpleMentAll project: a study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized trial. Trials, 21(1), 1-15.
van Genugten, CR, Schuurmans, J, Lamers, F, Riese, H, Penninx, BW, Schoevers, RA, ... & Smit, JH (2020). Experienced burden of and adherence to smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment in persons with affective disorders. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(2), 322.
Schuurmans, J, Linden, JL van der, Ballegooijen, W, Ruwaard, J, Stek, ML, Smit, JH, & Riper, H. (2016). Tablet-based support for older adults with severe mood disorders treated in an ambulatory geriatric psychiatry setting: Protocol of a feasibility study of the eCare@Home platform. Internet Interventions, 22-28.
Rej, S, Schuurmans, J, Elie, D, Stek, M, Shulman, K, & Dols, A (2016). Attitudes towards pharmacotherapy in late-life bipolar disorder. International Psychogeriatrics, 28(6), 945-950.
Schuurmans J, Balkom AJLM van, Megen HJGM van, Smit JH, Eikelenboom M, Cath DC, Kaarsemaker M. Oosterbaan D, Hendriks GJ, Schreurs KRJ, Wee NJA van der, Glas G, Oppen P van (2012). Design and rationale of a longitudinal naturalistic study on the course of OCD and clinical characteristics of the sample at baseline, International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 21, 273-285
Hoek W, Schuurmans J, Koot HM, Cuijpers P. Effects of Internet-Based Guided Self-Help Problem-Solving Therapy for Adolescents with Depression and Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Scott JG, ed. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(8), e43485.
Hoek W, Aarts F, Schuurmans J & Cuijpers P. (2012) Who are we missing? Non-participation in an internet intervention trial for depression and anxiety in adolescents. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 21, 593-595
Schuurmans J, Balkom AJLM van. (2011) Late life anxiety disorders: a review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 13, 267-73.
Grenier S, Schuurmans J, Goldfarb, M, Préville M, Boyer R, O’Connor K, Potvin O,Hudon, C. (2011) The epidemiology of specific phobia and subthreshold fear subtypes in a community-based sample of older adults. Depression and Anxiety, 28, 56-63.
Hoek W, Marko M, Fogel J, Schuurmans J, Gladstone T, Bradford N, Domanico R, Fagan B, Bell C, Reinecke MA & van Voorhees BW (2011). Randomized controlled trial of primary care physician motivational interviewing versus brief advice to engage adolescents with an internet-based depression prevention intervention: 6-month outcomes and predictors of improvement. Translational research, 158, 315-325
Cuijpers P, Straten van A, Schuurmans J, Oppen P van, Hollon SD & Anderson G (2010) Psychotherapy for chronic major depression and dystymia: a meta-analysis, Clinical Psychology review, 30, 51-62.
Oppen P van, Balkom AJLM van, Smit JH, Schuurmans J, Dyck van R & Emmelkamp PMG (2010). Does the therapy manual or the therapist matter most in treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A randomized controlled trial of exposure with response prevention or ritual prevention in 118 patients. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71, 1158-1167.
Hoek, NW, Schuurmans, J, Koot, HM & Cuijpers, P (2009). Prevention of depression and anxiety in adolescents: A randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy and mechanisms of Internet-based self-help problem-solving therapy. Trials, 10, 93-95.
Schuurmans, J, Comijs, H, Emmelkamp, PMG, Weijnen, IJC, Hout, M van den & Dyck, R van (2009). Long-term effectiveness and prediction of treatment outcome in cognitive behavioral therapy and sertraline for late-life anxiety disorders. International Psychogeriatrics, 21(06), 1148-1159.
Cuijpers, P & Schuurmans, J (2007). Self-help interventions for anxiety disorders: An overview. Current Psychiatry Reports, 9(4), 284-290.
Schuurmans, J, Comijs, H, Emmelkamp, PMG, Gundy, CM, Weijnen, IJC & Hout, MA van (2006). A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and sertraline versus a wait-list control group for anxiety disorders in older adults. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14(3), 255-263.
Schuurmans, J, Comijs, HC, Beekman, ATF, Beurs, E de, Deeg, DJH, Emmelkamp, PMG & Dyck, R van (2005). The outcome of anxiety disorders in older people at 6-year follow-up: results from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 111(6), 420-428
Schuurmans, J, Hendriks, GJ, van Genugten, CR & Oude Voshaar, RC (2020). Anxiety disorders in late life. In N. M. Simon, E. Hollander, B. O. Rothbaum, & D. J. Stein (Eds.), The APA Textbook of Anxiety, Trauma, and OCD-related disorders (3 ed., Vol. 36, pp. 679-692). American Psychiatric Pub.
Schuurmans, J, Hendriks, GJ & Zelst, WH van (2010). [Angststoornissen]: Anxiety disorders. In R. Mast (Ed.), [Handboek Ouderenpsychiatrie]; Handbook of geriatric psychiatry. De Tijdstroom: Utrecht.